“Turning Children into Stars Since 1978”
The PAC aims to develop your child’s interest in physical fitness as a daily way of life. Your child can learn easily, no matter what her/his ability is. A child does not need to have the ambitions of an Olympic gymnast to enjoy the fun and excitement of learning and doing exercises. Children of all ages and abilities can develop the skills necessary to excel and enjoy being active.
We are a family woman owned business. We love nothing more than seeing positive change and the shifting of mindset of children who certainly can achieve anything they put their mind to. Our support of the athletes that come through our doors is unconditional. To the kids that need mentoring to move and learn with greater confidence in themselves, we’re here for you. To the kids that work as a part of the team to make the whole greater, we see you, and we’re here for you. And to the kids that fly through skills and drills with the blink of an eye, we work with you to get you to the top as a humble and compassionate person.
Our desire to teach and nurture your children is made possible through the efforts of our warm and caring staff. Here, your child will build lasting friendships and special bonds. When you join The PAC, you don’t just join a gym, you become a part of our family.

Our team is filled with trained and energetic individuals who are excited to teach and be a positive influence on your child's life.


Alexis V
Gymnastics Program Director and Head Coach
Alexis is the head coach at The PAC, where she coaches kids of all ages. She has an Associates degree from Nassau Community College, a Biology degree from Binghamton University and a Masters degree in Exercise Physiology from Queens College.
For the past 14 years Alexis has played an important role at The PAC. She teaches all levels of gymnastics from toddlers to teens. She began and developed four advanced programs and as the head coach of the USAIGC competition team they have been very successful in evolving strong and motivated young athletes. Her teams have progressed to State, Regional, and World Championships.
Alexis is an all around athlete. She did gymnastics for 16 years and competed for 10 years before switching to Volleyball where she played competitively for NCC and Binghamton University on their club teams. She has traveled to over 10 countries and loves summer!

Wendy Cassell
Head Director and Owner
Wendy has been the proud owner of The PAC for 42 years. With a Degree in Physical Education and Early Childhood Education she sought to create her vision of a place that children could go to get fit and have a great time. Now on her third location, Wendy has built an extraordinary fitness facility with a large variety of programs for children of all ages. Her passion is what makes The PAC what it is today and her attention to detail in how we care for and teach children goes without question. Her ability to reinvent herself through the years is a testament of The PAC as a staple in our community.
Wendy was a gymnast and cheerleader in high school and through college. She worked in the public school system in the Physical Education department for a number of years before starting her business as a gymnastics club owner.
A stand-out quality about her is that her hair is always a different shade of red when you see her, that’s how spunky she is! She also likes to collect unique pieces of artwork from local artists on her travels.

Victoria V
NInja Warrior Program Director and Coach
Victoria is the program director for the ninja warrior program and one of managing leaders at The PAC. Her goal is to create an exciting and safe space for kids, coaches and parents to feel comfortable with learning new things and working together towards a shared goal. She has an Associates degree from Nassau Community College, a Bachelor’s degree in Integrative Neuroscience from Binghamton University, and graduated from Comedy College.
Her development of the ninja warrior program has been one led by creativity by putting together obstacle courses that physically and mentally challenge our athletes. She finds it’s important to laugh and have fun while teaching, as well as establish respect and help build dedicated and driven kids.
Something Victoria is very passionate about is composting and living a life with less plastic and waste. She is also a part-time comedian